Just a Quick Update

Hi guys, just dropping by to tell you what I’ve been up to so nobody thinks I’m dead. 😛

I’ve been busy lately with job hunting and other real life stuff lately, but thankfully things are looking pretty stable so far, so work on this awesome series and the translation tutorials to follow will most likely continue as planned. 🙂

As for my progress on Volume 8, I only have 2 more chapters to go before I actually start any image editing. I decided to go this route because translating each chapter takes even longer to do than applying them to the actual manga pages.

Welp, that’s all I wanted to say so far. As always, thank you all for your continued patience and support. You guys rock! 😉



Wow, we finally get a glimpse at Satou-kun’s family! (Not that we learn that much. 😛 )

Anyway, Futaba’s sooo cute in this one! I love it! 😀

Enjoy! 😉

Today’s Mitsudomoe Video:

Mitsudomoe Vol. 8 Ch. 145 has been released! Get it below!

Use your WordPress/Gravatar to help other people find this awesome series by hitting that Like button! 😉

Alright, time to work on the next one!

Floating Sunfish out!